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Tuesday 5 August 2014

Kiranga Youth Polytechnic excels in skills and technology

By Lameck Mwangi
The Kiranga Youth Polytechnic is a Vocational Institution that was built by the local community through Harambee (fund-raising) in 1958.
During the fund-raising, thousands of villagers gathered from Kiranga and many nearby villages to contribute whatever small amount they could manage thus leading to the establishment of the polytechnic.
The communities around the polytechnic had a noble vision behind the foundation of the institution. They enabled the poor school leavers in the area to be equipped with technical courses at a very modest cost this making them self reliant in future.
The Polytechnic’s vision is to have a vibrant youth polytechnic producing specialists for their respective fields while its mission is to equip the youth with technical skills at an affordable cost to make them self reliant in future. The polytechnic has a total of thirteen teaching staff and six supportive staff members.
The polytechnic offers the following courses; Agri-Business, carpentry and joinery, electrical wiring, fashion design, hair dressing and beauty therapy, information communication technology, leatherwork technology, masonry (building and construction), motor vehicle mechanic (M.V.M), motor vehicle electrician (M.V.E), metal work technology and plumbing and water supply.

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